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You can watch the first 8 episodes below and download the key takeaways and tips to practice at home. We will add new episodes daily.

NHRS 14-day Challenge: You are not alone - Day 1
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Key takeaways from session 1:
It’s okay to be scared and there is benefit in admitting to it.
Our mental health correlates closely with our physical health.
The “always on” culture give us even less time for ourselves.
Anxiety comes primarily from the inability to remain in the present moment.
Key Takeaways Day 1: Motivation
Key takeaways from session 2:
We can feel many different emotions at the same time.
Shine a light on our emotions today and bring them out into the open.
COVID is scary and can feel even more threatening than a world war.
What happens in our minds with the myriad of emotions that we experience as human beings.
Key Takeaways Day 2: The Hammer
Key takeaways from session 3:
The five stages of grief
Turning pain into power with Hermien Elago
What does your grief need from you now?
Key Takeaways Day 3: The Stages of Grief
Key takeaways from session 4:
Breathing exercise
Check in: Our mood meter
A true inspiration in times of darkness - Dr. Viktor Frankl
Kintsugi - The art of putting our broken pieces back together
Key Takeaways Day 4: The Glue
Key takeaways from session 5:
We can find the courage to say that “I am hurting.”
There is help available to all of us.
Sometimes those around us simply don’t know what to say
If we don’t receive the help and words of support from others, perhaps we can say these things for ourselves.
Key Takeaways Day 5: What To Say
Key takeaways from session 6:
Take a moment to think about something you are grateful for.
We are biologically wired for negativity.
Rick Hansen says that our brains are like Teflon for positive experiences and Velcro for negative ones!
The gift of gratitude prevents us from the downward spiral of depression and anxiety.
Key Takeaways Day 6: The Gifts of Gratitude
Key takeaways from session 7:
40 % of people feel emotionally and physically isolated by working online from home.
People are feeling isolated and are craving human connection
Let’s not settle for the standard, “I’m fine” response. Start the revolution by admitting you’re not okay!
We don’t need to hide our humanness- our vulnerability is our strength.
Burnt out is real- admitting to it is hard to do. Let us break the stigma and realize that we are not alone!
Be that person for someone- check in and hold space for someone else today.
Key Takeaways Day 7: Checking In
Key takeaways from session 8:
Emotions are messengers.
Have grace for yourself and others.
Sometimes it feels like we must fight ourselves to free ourselves.
Do not gaslight yourself! Watch your self-talk.
Healing is not a linear process.
Key Takeaways Day 8: Putting one foot in front of the other
Key takeaways from session 9:
The breath is a brain hack.
Breath Meditation
Alternate nostril breathing technique.
The ‘3:4:5’ and ‘4:7:8’ breathing technique.
Key Takeaways Day 9: Just Breathe!
Key takeaways from session 10:
The Mind Jar
Our words have power
Speak to yourself with kindness
Key Takeaways Day 10: Our Words Have Power
Key takeaways from session 11:
What are you grateful for?
Can you be grateful for yourself?
Why is it so challenging for you to celebrate yourself?
Be “obsessively grateful”
Key Takeaways Day 11: Self-Gratitude
Key takeaways from session 12:
What are some of the emotions you and your family have experienced during lockdown?
Can you tell us about the challenging time you have been through lately?
How do you create space for yourself and your well-being?
Key Takeaways Day 12: Creating Space
Key takeaways from session 13:
Where on the scale are you today?
Iani’s wisdom shared.
Suzie shares her experience.
Visual mindfulness practice.
Key Takeaways Day 13: Meaning and Purpose
Key takeaways from session 14:
Check in with yourselves and others regularly.
Asking for help is not giving up; it’s refusing to give up!
Never give up hope, never give up.
Key Takeaways Day 14: Keep Going
Poem by Laura Ding-Edwards
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