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NHRS - Recovering Resilience - Growing Gratitude
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Healthy and Happy You
Building your capacity to thrive
Summary Week 1: Why we worry
Acknowledge your worries.
Understand and define the things that are creating stress and worry.
Live and be more in the present.
Embrace uncertainty.
Face your fears.
Be focused and present to whatever is going on now, without judgement.
Key Takeaways Week 1: Why we worry
Master Class July: Beating the Burnout
Burnout is a psychological state of physical and emotional exhaustion.
Burnout reduces productivity and saps your energy.
When stress is managed, we are bound to be less burnt out.
It’s important for us to note that not all stress is bad.
STAGE 1 - Mobilizing Energy.
STAGE 2 - Consuming Energy Stores.
STAGE 3 - Draining Energy Stores
The distinctions between burnout and stress.
Steps you can take.
Key Takeaways July: Beating the Burnout
Summary Week 2: Beat of Life
How to Move from Burnout to Breakthrough.
Let the pain be the inspiration.
Discontent and the content are part of the same creative process.
You are exactly where you are meant to be right now.
Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn”. There are no failures.
Key Takeaways Week 2: Beat of Life
Summary Week 3: Being with Broken
Take a few deep breathes and allow your mind and body to centre.
Reflect on the past year with all its challenges and difficulties. These are the knocks of life that we have all experienced.
Acknowledge what broken pieces you may be sitting with. We are all recovering with the changes to work life and family life.
Cultivate and practice the Japanese art called Kintsugi. Remember that there is great beauty in brokenness.
Consider this when you feel broken: “You are more beautiful because you have been broken”.
Key Takeaways Week 3: Being with Broken
Summary Week 4: Great Expectations Building on the Best
Depending on how we choose to look at this period, we can either see it as a time that was pregnant with problems or pregnant with possibilities and this is all dependent on how we are willing to perceive the change.
As we purposefully forge ahead it’s crucial that we take stock of our growth.
Mindfulness suggests that we have an opportunity to choose whether we react or we respond.
Take a step forward today, no matter how small -always ensure you are moving forward.
Key Takeaways Week 4: Great Expectations Building on the Best
Summary Week 5: Be Kind to your Mind
Understanding the Individual - this means listening intently to what the other person is saying and empathizing with how they may feel.
Keeping Commitments - we build up an emotional reserve by keeping our commitments.
Clarifying Expectations - communicating our expectations can help create a higher level of trust.
Attending to the little things - small acts of kindness build and refuel trust.
Showing personal integrity - when we operate with sound character it makes it so easy for others to trust us.
Apologizing when we make a withdrawal - when we have violated a trust, we counteract the damage we have done by sincerely apologizing.
Key Takeaways Week 5: Be Kind to your Mind
Summary Week 6: R U OK?
Ask: Are you ok? Mention changes in behaviour that you may have noticed e.g. I notice that you have been very quiet lately.
Listen: Take was is being said seriously, without interruption or judgement.
Encourage Action: Find out what the person has done to handle similar situations.
Offer support without trying to fix.
Check in Regularly: Put reminders in place if necessary. Genuine care and concern can make a big difference.
Key Takeaways Week 6: R U OK?
Master Class August: Essential Services for Self
Essential Services for Self
Attitude of Gratitude
Mindful Breathing
Mindful Sobriety
Autopilot vs. the Mindful Way
Key Takeaways August: Essential Services for Self
Summary Week 7: Life on Autopilot
Summary Week 8: Resilient Relationships
The Wolf Within
Mindful Sobriety
Journaling Prompts
Key Takeaways Week 8: Journaling Prompts
Summary Week 9: Form score
Practice deep breathing between business meetings and sending of emails. Too often, we are unaware of our shallow breathing.
Be honest about you feel. Habitually we say that we are ok, when if fact we are not.
Phone people. This helps us to develop and improve our communication skills – both listening and speaking.
Hold space for others and be a good example. Learn to ask: “how are you doing really?”
Be empathic, and not dismissive. We may not have been taught how to engage with others when they are feeling down, so we need to learn and practice.
Remember that we all need to be heard, loved, cared for and appreciated.
Key Takeaways Week 9: Form score
Summary Week 10: Growing Gratitude
Ancient Wiring
Gratitude Alleviates Mental Illness
Expressing Gratitude: The Benefits of a Gratitude Practice
Gratitude Practices for You
Mindful Eating Practice
Key Takeaways Week 10: Growing Gratitude
Key Takeaways Week 7: Life on Autopilot
Five signs you are living on Autopilot:
Your routine is predictable. Your calendar is full of repetitive activities, and you follow your plan without thinking. There’s no room for improvisation or last-minute changes.
You are pleasing others. You let other people’s expectations define your choices. You are not paying attention to what you need.
You are always on the go. You never pause to reflect on how you are feeling or what you are doing. You are busy, distracted, or both.
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